medical air mattresses

How Can Medical Air Mattresses Prevent Bed Sores?

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    Air mattresses provide users and patients a number of advantages. First and foremost, they help stop bed sores from developing, making for a more comfortable and speedier recovery. Air mattresses, as the name suggests, are filled with air cells that can expand or contract depending on the weight and size of the user. In addition, they have strategically placed pressure points that shift position as the user does, allowing them to move without discomfort.

    Intriguingly, air mattresses are fashioned after wheelchair cushions in terms of both form and function. Users who need to maintain a stationary position for long periods of time can benefit equally from either option. It's undeniable that air mattresses provide the best possible setting for bedridden patients undergoing wound care to heal. Bed sores can be prevented, or at least mitigated, by frequently repositioning pressure on air mattresses. 

    What Is the Purpose of an Air Mattress?

    Pressure injuries can be avoided with the help of air mattresses.

    The elderly, who often require medical care while seated or lying down, present a unique set of pressure challenges across the healthcare spectrum. Decubitus ulcers are the medical term for these pressure sores.

    Oxygen deprivation of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissues leads to the development of pressure ulcers and sores. When we sit or stand in the same position for long periods of time, blood flow to our bony extremities (such as our elbows, posterior, heels, and even the back of our heads) might decrease.

    Less oxygen reaches skin cells as blood flow slows. This leads to cell death and the development of pressure ulcers on the skin.

    medical air mattresses melbourne

    How Effective Are Air Mattresses for Bed Sore Treatment?

    Bedsores are injuries to the skin caused by continuous pressure, such as that experienced when lying down, sitting in a wheelchair, being in one position for an extended period of time, etc. Hips, ankles, heels, tailbones, and other bony prominences are common sites for bedsores and other forms of pressure sores. These are especially common among elderly people who are experiencing medical issues that make it difficult for them to move around, such as paralysis or immobility. Bedsores usually appear after a week or a month of inactivity, but prolonged sitting can also cause them.

    Bedsores can be caused by poor cleanliness as well. A bedridden individual is more likely to develop bedsores if they are not given regular sponge baths or are not cleansed correctly when they are dirty. Patients with pressure injuries can benefit greatly from the use of air mattresses, as they relieve pressure on the ulcers and stop them from spreading.

    Why Do People Get Bed Sores?

    The primary cause of bedsores is continuous pressure on the skin, which reduces blood flow.

    Common causes of bedsores include:


    Bedsores develop when localised pressure restricts blood flow to the skin and underlying tissue. It also prevents the skin's tissues from receiving the oxygen and nourishment they need to thrive. These ulcers commonly appear on the tailbone, spine, hip, shoulders, and other skeletal sites in frail persons because there is less fat and muscle to protect these places.


    Friction caused by rubbing against fabric, such as clothing or bedding, can irritate or even break the skin. Sometimes having wet skin makes things even worse.


    Both shear and friction are necessary for motion. Shear injuries, which occur when the bone and skin move in opposite directions, are not visible on the surface of the skin. If you raise your head and then drop your tailbone down while keeping your skin in the same spot, you'll feel a tug in both directions.

    How Do Air Mattresses Prevent Bed Sores?

    Bedsores and other pressure injuries can be prevented or alleviated with the use of an air mattress. It is built with a series of air tubes that inflate and deflate to mimic the patient's body. Paralysed patients shouldn't be left in one posture for too long, as that can hinder their recovery. Pressure under the patient's body is relieved as the bubbles are inflated and deflated, notably in the elbows, heels, shoulders, and hips. The air mattress improves airflow and protects against pressure ulcers.

    All bedridden patients need air mattresses to prevent bedsores, however there are varying degrees of bedsores that call for different treatments. There are four quality levels of mattresses available:

    • Grade 1: Flushing of the Skin
    • Grade 2: Minor Blisters
    • Grade 3: Damage to Subcutaneous Tissues
    • Grade 4: Injury to the skin, tissues, bones, muscles, or joints.

    If you are sleeping on an air mattress, your caretaker should turn you over at least once each hour. Bedridden patients can benefit from occasional pressure relief with the help of modified wheelchairs that can be tilted. Try to get up and move around as much as possible.

    Look for indications of bedsores on the skin frequently. Don't let it become dirty or wet. Sponge baths and antibacterial wet wipes can be used to keep the skin clean and dry of a bedridden patient. Always practise safe diapering habits, even if you're an adult.

    Advantages of Hospital Air Mattresses

    There is more to hospital air mattresses than just reducing the risk of pressure ulcers. This demonstrates that not only may they provide good skeletal support, but also exceptional alleviation. Users can feel at ease for the duration of their visit. 

    The following are some of the more general advantages of air mattresses. The following are some more characteristics they share:

    Easy to Control

    Most modern air mattresses have adjustable air pressure settings. In a nutshell, they may be easily adjusted to meet the firmness or softness preferences of the user. Users can also regulate the air pressure to ensure that there is no concentrated area of high pressure. That's why air mattresses can help prevent pressure ulcers.

    Air mattresses can be adjusted to the individual's preference with relative ease, although they are difficult to compromise in any significant way. Because of this, they rarely result in injuries to patients or staff. They focus mostly on alleviation and solace. 

    High Level of Comfortability

    Air mattresses are built with a flow of air in mind, allowing for simple customization. Therefore, meeting the comfort requirements of a wide range of bedridden patients. By virtue of these features, air mattresses offer superior comfort over alternative options for hospital beds. 

    In fact, these mattresses are more relaxing than traditional ones with springs. Therefore, it is safe to say that the medical market's acceptance of air mattresses as the most therapeutic air mattress type is justified. 

    Cool and Comfortable

    melbourne medical air mattresses

    It's always fascinating to hear the inner workings of air mattresses. However, their functionality is the key reason they can maintain a pleasant temperature for their consumers. In particular, they have incredible innovation in regards to air loss. The released air can then be directed to the regions where it is most required. The benefits to the user in terms of pain and discomfort are maximised. 

    Users will feel as though they are floating on air thanks to this technology. In addition, it prevents overheating by decreasing perspiration production. Therefore, allowing the skin to breathe as much as possible. 

    Encourage Healthy Circulation

    The simple act of lying on an air mattress improves blood flow and circulation. Since the technology behind air mattresses allows for the mitigation of pain and suffering, these advantages are extremely probable. 

    In addition, they can reduce inflammation in the body's various joints, bones, and muscles. Because of this, air mattresses are highly recommended for those who suffer from arthritis or any other ailment that necessitates bed rests. 

    Joint Control and Pressure Support

    Hospital beds that use air mattresses should include both firm and soft areas. Soft points are beneficial since they allow for effective body contouring while also being gentle on the user's bones and joints. The longer one uses air mattresses, the greater their chances of seeing an improvement in their posture. 

    Buying a Medical Air Mattress: Some Considerations

    Several things should be taken into account when purchasing a medical air mattress. It's possible that using a high-quality hospital air mattress will help you stay healthy and free of bedsores. As a result, you should take the time to read reviews and do extensive research before settling on the finest model for you. 

    To avoid developing pressure sores, choose a medical air mattress with separate air cells. Choose a medical air mattress with electronic controls for maximum comfort and a speedy comeback. Select a model that has cooling features or air loss that is less noticeable.

    Here is some guidance from us on how to choose an air mattress:

    • Choose air mattresses with electronic settings: Many different sitting and lying positions may be possible on a hospital bed that may be adjusted. The sleeper can adjust the bed's curves to better support their spine, and the mattress's hardness can be adjusted by adding or removing air. If you've recently had surgery that severely restricts your mobility, an adjustable bed will be a lifesaver.
    • Choosing cooling bed: Patients can stay cool and comfortable thanks to the improved air circulation provided by these hospital air mattresses. They employ a system that minimises air loss, allowing for a gradual and sustained drop of air pressure inside the mattress. As air is slowly released, the sleeping surface stays soft and helps regulate temperature.
    • Pressure-sore bed is a must: Pressure points and bedsores can be avoided with alternate pressure. An air mattress with a pressure pattern designed to allow for continuous pressure changes can be used to treat bedsores. As a result, the pressure and motion of the various mattress components contribute to enhanced blood flow. 

    Who Is at Risk of Developing Pressure Ulcers or Bed Sores?

    People with diseases that cause wounds, such as pressure ulcers, and those who are entirely bedridden are at risk for developing bed sores if they are not properly cared for. Taking care of them may involve washing their hands, brushing their teeth, or changing their underwear. Depending on where they spend the majority of their time, an air mattress may be more appropriate. An air mattress is an excellent therapeutic alternative since it prevents the development of pressure sores and ulcers and stops the aggravation of existing sores.

    Lying in bed, while restful and contemplative for those who are healthy, can be incredibly distressing and stressful for those who are bedridden due to illness. This is especially true for those who were once quite active but have become bedridden due to their sickness and do not want to spend the rest of their lives in that position.

    They have the option of sleeping on a fine air mattress, which may help them avoid developing such bothersome sores, or a standard, comfortable mattress, which may cause pressure sores to form on their backs or the part of their body where they typically lay down.


    Patients and users can benefit greatly from air mattresses because they can help avoid bed sores, improve comfort, and lessen the risk of injury from pressure. These mattresses contain carefully positioned pressure points that move as the user moves and are loaded with air cells that expand or contract based on the user's weight and size. They are shaped like wheelchair cushions and create the optimal environment for wound healing in bedridden individuals.

    Continuous pressure on the skin, such as that found in the case of deubitus ulcers, causes a reduction in blood flow to the skin and underlying tissues, leading to injury. Older people whose mobility is limited due to illness frequently develop bedsores. Bedsores are also exacerbated by sloppy cleaning and lack of personal hygiene. By redistributing body weight and increasing ventilation, air mattresses can reduce the risk of pressure ulcers and improve their symptoms in those who have already developed them.

    Four distinct quality categories of air mattresses can be purchased today: Injury to the skin (Grade 1), minor blisters (Grade 2), subcutaneous tissues (Grade 3), and bones, muscles, or joints (Grade 4) are all considered Grade 4 injuries. At least once an hour, patients should be flipped over, and occasionally, the tilt of a specially adapted wheelchair can help relieve pressure. Diapering properly and often using sponge baths and antibacterial wet wipes will help maintain skin healthy and protected from irritation.

    There are a lot of benefits to using hospital air mattresses, such as how easy they are to regulate and how cool and comfy they are to sleep on. They're made with air circulation in mind, so they're easily customizable to fit the needs of every bedridden patient. Since air mattresses are known to be more comfortable than standard spring mattresses, they are frequently purchased by hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

    Content Summary

    • Air mattresses provide users and patients a number of advantages.
    • First and foremost, they help stop bed sores from developing, making for a more comfortable and speedier recovery.
    • It's undeniable that air mattresses provide the best possible setting for bedridden patients undergoing wound care to heal.
    • Bed sores can be prevented, or at least mitigated, by frequently repositioning pressure on air mattresses.
    • Pressure injuries can be avoided with the help of air mattresses.
    • The elderly, who often require medical care while seated or lying down, present a unique set of pressure challenges across the healthcare spectrum.
    • Decubitus ulcers are the medical term for these pressure sores.
    • Bedsores are injuries to the skin caused by continuous pressure, such as that experienced when lying down, sitting in a wheelchair, being in one position for an extended period of time, etc.
    • Hips, ankles, heels, tailbones, and other bony prominences are common sites for bedsores and other forms of pressure sores.
    • These are especially common among elderly people who are experiencing medical issues that make it difficult for them to move around, such as paralysis or immobility.
    • Patients with pressure injuries can benefit greatly from the use of air mattresses, as they relieve pressure on the ulcers and stop them from spreading.
    • Bedsores and other pressure injuries can be prevented or alleviated with the use of an air mattress.
    • The air mattress improves airflow and protects against pressure ulcers.
    • All bedridden patients need air mattresses to prevent bedsores, however there are varying degrees of bedsores that call for different treatments.
    • If you are sleeping on an air mattress, your caretaker should turn you over at least once each hour.
    • Bedridden patients can benefit from occasional pressure relief with the help of modified wheelchairs that can be tilted.
    • Look for indications of bedsores on the skin frequently.
    • There is more to hospital air mattresses than just reducing the risk of pressure ulcers.
    • The following are some of the more general advantages of air mattresses.
    • That's why air mattresses can help prevent pressure ulcers.
    • Therefore, meeting the comfort requirements of a wide range of bedridden patients.
    • By virtue of these features, air mattresses offer superior comfort over alternative options for hospital beds.
    • Therefore, it is safe to say that the medical market's acceptance of air mattresses as the most therapeutic air mattress type is justified.
    • It's always fascinating to hear the inner workings of air mattresses.
    • The benefits to the user in terms of pain and discomfort are maximised.
    • The simple act of lying on an air mattress improves blood flow and circulation.
    • Since the technology behind air mattresses allows for the mitigation of pain and suffering, these advantages are extremely probable.
    • Because of this, air mattresses are highly recommended for those who suffer from arthritis or any other ailment that necessitates bed rests.
    • Several things should be taken into account when purchasing a medical air mattress.
    • It's possible that using a high-quality hospital air mattress will help you stay healthy and free of bedsores.
    • To avoid developing pressure sores, choose a medical air mattress with separate air cells.
    • Choose a medical air mattress with electronic controls for maximum comfort and a speedy comeback.
    • Select a model that has cooling features or air loss that is less noticeable.
    • Many different sitting and lying positions may be possible on a hospital bed that may be adjusted.
    • If you've recently had surgery that severely restricts your mobility, an adjustable bed will be a lifesaver.
    • Patients can stay cool and comfortable thanks to the improved air circulation provided by these hospital air mattresses.
    • Pressure points and bedsores can be avoided with alternate pressure.
    • An air mattress with a pressure pattern designed to allow for continuous pressure changes can be used to treat bedsores.
    • People with diseases that cause wounds, such as pressure ulcers, and those who are entirely bedridden are at risk for developing bed sores if they are not properly cared for.
    • Taking care of them may involve washing their hands, brushing their teeth, or changing their underwear.
    • Depending on where they spend the majority of their time, an air mattress may be more appropriate.
    • An air mattress is an excellent therapeutic alternative since it prevents the development of pressure sores and ulcers and stops the aggravation of existing sores.
    • Lying in bed, while restful and contemplative for those who are healthy, can be incredibly distressing and stressful for those who are bedridden due to illness.

    FAQs About Medical Beds

    Medical beds support and place patients in hospitals. Medical beds contain head and foot elevation, allowing patients to select comfortable positions for their medical needs. These beds have extra accessories and safety measures, making them suited for hospitals, long-term care centres, and homecare.

    Medical beds offer various benefits, including improved sleep quality, enhanced circulation, pain relief, and support for medical conditions. They are particularly helpful in post-surgery recovery and aiding patients with limited mobility.

    Yes, there are homecare medical beds designed for home use. These beds offer similar features to hospital beds but are more compact and aesthetically suitable for home environments.

    Adjustable medical beds have electric motors that power the adjustable components. Users or caregivers can control the bed's position using a remote or buttons on the side rails.

    The coverage of medical beds varies depending on the patient's medical condition and insurance policy. Some medical beds may be partially or fully covered if deemed medically necessary. It's essential to check with the insurance provider for specific coverage details.

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